Examination and Assessment
» The school prepares the students for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations (I.C.S.E.) and Indian School Certificate Examinations (I.S.C. - 12) both of which are internationally recognized for their excellence. High standard has been maintained in the I.C.S.E. and I.S.C. - 12, over the years. Its goal is a student who not only has a fine store of knowledge in the required subjects but also has developed the ability to reason clearly and accurately. The syllabus and control of Indian School Certificate Examinations are the same as the Senior Cambridge Examinations. I.C.S.E. is an examination conducted at the end of class X and I.S.C. - 12 at the end of class XII.
1. There are two main examinations in an academic year: Half yearly and Final. Unit Tests are conducted before Half-yearly and Final Exams. Unit Test will be a formal common test or a project internally assessed by subject teachers.
2.The written Unit Test Answer sheets are given to the students in a week's time after the tests are over. The Half Yearly answer sheets are given to parents to take home but the Final Exam papers will not be given to anyone for taking home. However, students of Classes 3 to 8 are to come to the school on a fixed date to look into their papers.
CARES [formerly DA]
CARES (Comprehensive Assessment, Report & Evaluation for Schools) is a series of assessments conducted in school by
Educational Initiatives (Ei).
It provides high quality questions mapped to the textbooks of the school. Ei team's subject specialists prepare questions from the topics taught by the teacher in the class. The questions are scientifically designed to capture misconceptions so that teachers can bridge the gap and learning takes place with understanding. The questions are based on the misconception research that Ei has been gathering from student responses in the last 21 years.
The assessments are conducted for grades 3 to 8 in English, mathematics, science, and social science. Only the language component is tested in English.
The teacher upon completion of a topic requests a test. The question paper is prepared, and the test is conducted offline. Within 48 hours the reports are generated in the system.
Teachers get class-level and student-level reports with remediation support on the common misconceptions of the class. Students get a detailed performance analysis though customized report. The actionable insights allow parents to address learning gaps. It also highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the students.
3.In case the parents do not get the answer sheets as per dates mentioned in the Calendar, they should get in touch with the
concerned Class Teacher.
4. Students absenting themselves from any examination will not be re-examined.
5. Annual Promotion depends upon the performance of the students in the Half Yearly and the Final Examination as well as upon the assessment of Unit Tests, Projects and activities conducted throughout the year.
6. A Minimum of 80% attendance is a requirement for appearing in examinations and promotion to the next higher class.
7. The result declared at the end of the year is final in all cases and will not be reconsidered.
8. In all matters connected with the admission, dismissal, examination and promotion / detention of a student, the decision of the principal is final and binding.
9. It's the responsibility of students in Classes IX to XII to complete their projects, assignments, practical as per dates mentioned in the schedule for the year.
10. The Use of Unfair Means in the Examinations:- school views the use of unfair means during examination or unit test very seriously. Unfair means can be any of the following during the examination:
a. A student having in his/her possession any book, memorandum or pocketbook, cell phone, smart watch, written
notes or paper, except the correct question paper.
b. Copying from other students or giving opportunity to other students to copy from one's own answer paper or
communicating dishonestly with other students in the examination room.
c. Giving or obtaining, or attempting to give or obtain, unfair assistance from other students.
A student detected of using unfair means would be barred from writing the examinations and will be given a '0' in all papers. If the student is detected a second time, he will be dismissed from the school.